Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Perils of Focusing on Tactics Before Strategy

Video creation, publishing and distribution is certainly one of many components that Influencer Marketing strategy must execute... However, to focus on technology and media misses the truly important message in this article. The "Root Principle" is similar to problem solving methodology such as Toyota's "5 Whys" tactic that yields the "Root Cause" of a problem, or series of adverse results. In determining a Root Principle" one of the key indicators is in effecting business results regardless of technology, media channel or distribution reach.  Understanding that the origins of Influencer Marketing included identifying high yield influencers within our dealership's AOR and targeted demographics. Once you ID your first hundred people, divide into 4 segments. Initial steps would most likely be an introductory email and request that the Influencer take our Intro phone conversation. Then, out of the first 25 Influencers, we get 5 of them to attend a rousing Friday AM weekly sales meeting.  Of course, we want to track activities and get both photos and videos to capture our Influencers while being physically and emotionally engaged with our dealership's thought leaders.   Build Influencer Relationships first, then adjust your content creation, publishing and syndication based on the results of engaging Influencers. 

[Sent from Ralph's iPhone]

Ralph Paglia | President 
ADM Advertising & Consulting, LLC
2701 N. Rainbow Blvd., Suite 2202

Las Vegas, NV 89108 

Twitter and Instagram: @RalphPaglia 

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