Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Automotive Social Media Marketing Tools; 17 Top Rated Apps

ADM serves Car Dealers, Automotive Marketing Pros and Internet Sales Managers
Ralph Paglia
What do think about this ADM Blog post titled 'The 17 Most Powerful Social Media Tools for Your Dealership' ?
There have been a lot of "Best Tools" list published, but this one is loaded with highly effective no-cost and Low-cost apps useful to dealers!

ADM Blog posted by Justin Braun:

ActivEngage was recently honored to have its CEO and Co-Founder Todd Smith featured as akeynote presenter as the Ignite! Dealer Summit. Tod...

ADM Blog post link:
The 17 Most Powerful Social Media Tools for Your Dealership

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[Sent from Ralph Paglia's iPhone]

Ralph Paglia
http://RalphPaglia.com http://GPlusRalph.com 

Latest Twitter Metrics Worth Knowing

Eleven Of The Latest Twitter Statistics That Every Automotive Marketer Should Be Aware Of...

  1. Twitter now has 100 million active users every month
  2. 50 Million Users every day
  3. 200 million registered users
  4. The number of Twitter users logging in every month is up by 82% since the beginning of the year
  5. 55 million users  log in to Twitter from their phone or tablet each month
  6. Twitter.com receives 400 million vistors a month
  7. Twitter.com visitor growth is up 60% this year
  8. 40% of Twitter users don't tweet every month but watch others tweet
  9. Projected growth by the end of the year is an additional 26 million users
  10. Twitter hosts approximately one billion tweets every 5 days
  11. Twitter has set a new record for tweets per second of 8,900 (TPS)
Source: http://www.jeffbullas.com/2011/09/21/11-new-twitter-facts-figures-and-growth-statistics-plus-infographic/