Friday, July 12, 2013

AutoCon 2013: Why Attend Reason Number 11

I'll give dealers and managers an eleventh reason... MISSION AND PURPOSE! From inception to the present, and continuing for as long as I have responsibility for mission and strategy around AutoCon (AutoConnections Conference and Exposition), the primary purpose of this event is to reflect in the real world what the professional networks at and do in the virtual online world. AutoCon is all about providing the car peeps who attend with a competitive advantage over those that do not. 
As JD points out, the quality control around speakers is intense... Poor presenter are not allowed to return and there is a focused effort on finding the very best presenters, strategists, tacticians and thought leaders to give AutoCon attendees a mix of insights, inspiration, know-how and structured strategies that will empower them to go back to their dealerships and take more market share in their local areas for sales, service and parts. 
AutoCon 2013 is the complete package, with invitation only special meetings and workshops before the main conference kick off and special guest speakers that will force you to think about how you and your team could do better than you are operating today.

Do NOT miss AutoCon 2013... If you can only attend one event for the remainder of the year, AutoCon is the one. Http://AutoCon.US and 

Be sure to use Promotional Code ADM13 when registering to get a big discount on your reg fees!

[Sent from Ralph Paglia's iPhone]

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